Workshops for Team Emotional Intelligence

Gianna’s workshop design and facilitation empower teams to enhance their learning and communication, gain clarity on actions that resonate with their values, and implement practical strategies to apply emotional intelligence in their work. The workshops cover various topics, each offering unique benefits to the participants.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence. Effective leadership requires a blend of technical expertise and adaptive skills grounded in emotional intelligence. These adaptive skills empower leaders to drive sustainable changes that promote equity and justice within organizations, fostering a sense of true belonging among staff. In this session, participants will clarify their leadership vision, identify barriers that impede progress, and develop strategies to bring their vision to life.

Cultivating Thriving Communities: Emotional Intelligence for Adults and Students. For professionals dedicated to working with young people, developing social and emotional competencies in themselves and their students must be a top priority. This session, grounded in the practical realities of teaching, offers specific strategies—from enhancing self and social awareness to establishing classroom routines and rituals—that intentionally nurture a sense of belonging, competence, and autonomy in every student and adult.

Building Emotionally Intelligent, Anti-racist Communities. Often, we eagerly express our support for racial equality while doing little to support policies that will bring about that equality. Through historical context, conversation, literature, and artifacts, we will deepen our understanding of our experiences and their impact on our perspectives and places in our communities. Utilizing emotional intelligence skillsets to stay grounded in the work, we’ll develop concrete and practical strategies and policies to redress inequities in our communities. Co-facilitated with Angela Stepancic.

Want to learn more or discuss something customized? Schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

“Gianna is an amazing asset on the journey of re-imagining adult and student social emotional learning through an anti-racism lens. She is a beyond-skilled facilitator, with an impressive ability to establish trusting relationships with adults in service of creating educational spaces that feel good to students, families, and staff. She has been an instrumental partner in planning and facilitating PD, providing team and individual SEL coaching, as well as developing a multi-year plan using the CASEL District Framework for implementation."

Dana Benton-Johnson

Director of Culture and Climate