
The Plain Red Horse Coaching and Consulting

Emotional intelligence empowers people to create sustainable personal and organizational transformation. People who cultivate emotional intelligence can better communicate and manage their emotions effectively, build stronger connections with others, identify implicit bias and redress inequity, and live in alignment with their values.

Foundational Services

  • Coaching for Emotional Intelligence

  • Consulting for Emotional Intelligence in Schools

  • Workshops for Team Emotional Intelligence

  • Rooted ei: Equity, Belonging, and Antiracism

  • "Gianna places the learner at the heart of her practice and her focus. She always, always works with empathy, gently prodding through the discomfort of the zone of proximal development and into competence and mastery. Gianna helps to make the challenges of leadership feel less painful, less lonely. She helps you grow as a full and holistic leader, prioritizing relationships and forward momentum.

    Angela B. Stepancic

    Founder and CEO

  • “Gianna brings exceptional empathy, expertise, and directness to her coaching. Through skillful guidance and reflective conversations, she has pushed my development as a leader with respect to my own Emotional Intelligence and how I show up in the world – as a human and a leader. While challenging, her coaching and unwavering support have made me a stronger leader.”

    Kendra Salvador,

    Executive Director

  • “I love how Gianna’s Emotional Intelligence inventory deepened my awareness and helped me establish pathways for action toward increased relationship management. Using the reflection tools allowed me to shift my perspective in ways that expanded my mindset, allowed me to identify and leverage strengths, and encouraged me to take professional leaps leading to greater job satisfaction. Honestly- thank you, Gianna! I wish I could put into words the results of my work with you!”

    Shakenya Humphries-Gholson, M. Ed.


  • “Gianna is an amazing asset on the journey of re-imagining adult and student social emotional learning through an anti-racism lens. She is a beyond-skilled facilitator, with an impressive ability to establish trusting relationships with adults in service of creating educational spaces that feel good to students, families, and staff. She has been an instrumental partner in planning and facilitating PD, providing team and individual SEL coaching, as well as developing a multi-year plan using the CASEL District Framework for implementation."

    Dana Benton-Johnson,

    Director of Culture and Climate

  • In my experience, it is rare for a school leader to have access to coaching and development that is ongoing and transformational. My work with Gianna has been both! Each session is deeply impactful on my practice. Gianna’s simple yet profound questioning and coaching have helped me identify areas for growth that will have the highest-leverage impact on being the kind of leader I aspire to be.

    Valerie Ramirez

    Assistant Principal

  • “Gianna offers a fresh perspective on examining long-standing educational practices that are limiting for our students and the overall learning community. She addresses the impact of inequity on the educational system and offers a vision for re-design and a shift that can empower educators and students alike to a greater level of actualization and empowerment.”

    Allison Negron-Campbell

    Focused Instructional Coach for Culture and Climate